Types of AI (K-Mean, NN-Type, Tree) - Master in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning : University of Alcala - Madrid

Types of AI (K-Mean, NN-Type, Tree)

Posted 8 MarchTagged deep learning, machine learning degree, master in artificial intelligence online, master machine learning

We know superficially what Artificial Intelligence (AI) might be and its uses. Yet, it is undeniable the future and the possibilities the AI gives. Novels and films have increased these dreams with the narrative plots of a machine-dominated world. Machines and robot that develop their intelligence and use it against the human race. Yet, this is far away from reality. Nevertheless, the field of Artificial Intelligence is wider than we might expect. There are different types of AI that we will display in this article. Do you want to know more about this area? Keep reading!

What is Artificial Intelligence?

First, it is important to mention what is actually an Artificial Intelligence. Hollywood showed different scenarios in which machines try to subjugate the human race. A future that seemed far away. A writer’s fantasy. Yet, even if the world imagined by films is completely different from reality, actually AI is very real. Moreover, this field has experienced an increase in the last years.

Technology has advanced and this is noticeable in the number of exhibition celebrated every year all over the world. Not only that, AI has even entered our houses. For example, the use of Alexa, the virtual assistant created by Amazon, or Siri, the AI incluided in every Iphone. Moreover, systems that have improved our lives and helped it to make it easier.

But what is actually Artificial Intelligence?

Basically, AI is a computing hardware able to “think” for itself and to make decisions according to the date is being fed. These systems are usually powerful and complex, with the ability to process large amount of information in a extremely quick time.

Nowadays, AI systems can perform computing tasks much faster than human brains can. This is why the development of these areas has marked a before and after in society, helping humans to make their tasks. Thanks to the feeding of their data bases, these Artificial Intelligence systems develop their independence and their ability to carry out several tasks without the supervision of a human being.

Types of AI

  • K-means: Also called k-means clustering, is the simplest type of unsupervised learning, which is used when there is unlabeled data. This means that the data has no defined categories or groups. The goal of this algorithm is to have groups in the data. Basically, the variable k represents the number of groups. It works assigning each data point to one of the K groups provided. These data point are based on feature similarity.
  • NN-Type: The basis of this type of AI is in neural networks. This type is deeply intertwined with Artificial Intelligence. The NN-Type follows the pattern of the human brain. The biological nervous systems inspired it. Actually, there is a large number of highly interconnected processing elements called neurons. Moreover, the pattern recognition or data classification configures the AI for a specific application.
  • Tree type: Also known as behaviour tree or decision tree. Sometimes, a series of question can express complex decisions. The decision itself can be in the form of a conceptual tree. The main advantage of this method is that it is a ‘white box’ method. Thus, this means that we can easily explain its decision in contrast with Neural Network, whose complexity is too high.

There is no need to create the decision tree yourself. Technology improved and several tools offer the possibility to elaborate them for you. This method tends to increase bias with more depth. Yet, it is possible to use any amount necessary (dozens, hundreds, etc.) to make a single prediction.

Are you interested in joining a Master in Artificial Intelligence?

Finally, as you see, there are different types of Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, the use of it will depend on the context and the field, but nobody can deny that the increase of this technology in the last years has helped in several ways. Universities and institutions are aware of the possibilities AI offers.

Therefore, they created different postgraduate studies. If you are interested in this area and want to increase your knowledge on Artificial Intelligence, you can’t miss this oportunity. Then, you can study now in our Master in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. If you want to know more, do not hesitate in contacting us for more information. We are waiting for you!

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