Computer vision in healthcare - Master in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning : University of Alcala - Madrid

The use of technology has increased a lot in the last decade. One of these technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still growing very rapidly. We can find applications of AI in many industries such as medicine. And that is exactly what we will talk about today. In this post you will learn about the developments of Artificial Intelligence based healthcare models. If you are interested in AI and computer vision, you won’t want to miss this article. Keep reading!

Artificial Intelligence in medicine

A group of scientists, physicians and researchers from the Mount Sinai AI Consortium decided to solve a challenge. This challenge is the development of Artificial Intelligence in medicine. Their goal is to apply AI in healthcare and address a shocking and relevant problem to the medicine field. More specifically, they wanted to identify markers of acute neurological illnesses. For example, hemorrhages and strokes.

Eric Oermann, instructor in the neurosurgery department at the Icahn School of Medicine and director of the AI program, talks about this. He states that time is key. This is because a patient’s clinical condition is something that can get worse very quickly. The group of researchers decided to find a way they could use AI and computer vision to save time for the patients. They were successful. Their Mount Sinai’s system can now identify a problem form a CT scan in 1.2 seconds. That is 150 times faster than regular scans can take.

Optimization of medical diagnosis

Computer vision is a field of Artificial Intelligence, which job is to train computers in order to replicate human characteristics. For example, human sight or the ability of perceive objects in front of them. To do so, it has to use algorithms to process images and, this way, make faster and more accurate diagnosis than humans can. Because of the multiple possibilities computer vision can offer, organizations are getting interested on it.

Computer vision can be used to predict heart rhythms disorders or to estimate blood loss during childbirth, for example. Doctor Oermann also explains how AI can allow doctors to spend more time with their patients. He says that “by bringing more machines into medicine, it will let physicians focus more on patients,”. Something else computer vision can help with is to cut costs in care delivery. How? By transferring time-consuming tasks to machines. This will help provide better healthcare to patients.

More accurate results

The Orlando health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies has already applied computer vision in their healthcare system. They have developed an Artificial Intelligence tool that can measure blood loss during childbirth. This is great news, because postpartum hemorrhaging is one of the biggest causes of mortality in childbirth. Artificial Intelligence accomplish this using pictures and analyzing images of surgical sponges and suction canisters.

In this hospital, where 14.000 babies are delivered every year, doctors have learned not to underestimate how much blood women lose during delivery. Computer vision and AI allow them to obtain more accurate results and treat the women accordingly. All this is an incredible progress. However, we may wonder what will happen in the future with the implementation of AI in healthcare. This is what Oermann and his team talk about in this study. They found that computer vision models could not  be just picked up from one healthcare system and plopped into another. They sometimes are less effective. That is why this technology implementation still needs a lot of research.

Artificial Intelligence research

Computer vision and Artificial Intelligence are very recent technologies and still need more time to develop effectively. In order to do so, every industry that wants to apply them need to have well-developed experts working for them. Professionals with a solid understanding of the principles, tools and implications of artificial systems. But, where can you accomplish that? In the University of Alcalá with our Master in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning! Here, you will be capable of understanding how to put into perspective the impact of artificial sensing, cognition and action in areas such as Finance, Medicine of Arts.

On top of that, this master allows you to make your studies compatible with a busy schedule thanks to an innovative learning methodology. It is online, which means anyone around the world can study it. Do not hesitate more and join the master right now, you won’t regret it!

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